
The Day We've All Been Waiting For

It's finally here! After many long months it is finally here!

Sure, it won't be as good as it could have been. HE could have been HERE. And for a short while, we thought he would be. It was reported he'd be coming here. And then it was reported he wouldn't be. I felt cheated. We all felt cheated.

But let us not dwell on what could have been. Let us dwell on what is.

Today... is a day for celebration.

Today... is a day to reflect upon the past.

Today... is the day we have all be waiting for.

Today... is Carlos Delgado's birthday.

 This picture of his press conference from when he first signed with the Mets was the only one I could find of him smiling.

Yes, Papa Carlos turns 38 today.

As I said, we all got excited when we were briefly told he would be around for it. And we all felt cheated when it turned out to be for naught. We all wanted to see him add to his franchise-leading 336 home runs and make a run for 500 career (he's currently 37 away).

Word is, Delgado wants to play in the second half after having hip surgery in February. Maybe after trading away Overbay, if the Jays still don't feel Wallace is ready, the Jays could bring Papa Carlos back for a few months to DH while Lind shows whether or not he can play a halfway passable first base (I refuse to give up on Wallace as a third baseman).

Happy birthday, Carlos. I hope I see you back in the majors soon.

Oh, and Halladay is starting today against the Jays or whatever. That's kinda cool, I guess.